Wednesday November 18 2020. As predicted, COVID is hitting back hard across the country now that the colder weather has set in. People are indoors more, breathing on each other, spreading the virus. Because of this surge, many states across the country are reintroducing lock down measures to try to stop the surge. Thanksgiving is coming up next week, the most important day of any American year in regards to family get togethers, and although states are telling everybody to stay home ant NOT have family gatherings this year, everybody is holding their breaths because despite the health mandates, of course a lot of people will have large family gatherings, and two weeks later we will have 10s of thousands of old people die as a result, crowding the hospitals, and leading to a social crisis that nobody wants to happen. Of course the virus is still a political issue, thanks to Trump, so all Red states and counties are ignoring safety ...