Week 8

Day 50. Monday May 4 2020. Beach Seaweed this am "Bull Kelp" Good day walking today. Walk is becoming my jetty walk. Walk the to face rock, then up to the south jetty then around. I ran into Ken and Christine on their bikes over by the rolling pin. It seems to be ok that we stop and talk there. Lot's of talk about the city and what they are doing - or not doing - to reopen. There are a lot of folk who do not want out of towners in at the moment. I have lived here 2 1/2 years and still consider myself an out of towner, and so see that attitude as a bit backward. Still, there are many times when I see people driving too fast, or not waving hello the way everybody does here, and if someone is rude I will often think "Californian" to myself. I have lived here long enough to adopt the attitude that most people have here of acknowledging everybody around me...