
Showing posts from April, 2020

Week 7

CoronaVirus Miles Walked Week Totals (Week 7) Date Daily Walk Cumulative Weekly Daily Average Miles for Week 05/03/2020 8.76 351 8.2 57 05/02/2020 8.3 343 05/01/2020 9.35 334 04/30/2020 9.35 325 04/29/2020 6.86 316 04/28/2020 7.41 309 04/27/2020 7.27 301 Day 43. Monday April 27 2020. For each of us, there is only one day in our lives that we will never be able to later reflect upon. jumping species where coronavirus come from. zoonotic diseases -  diseases hosted in animals that spread to humans. The  CDC estimates  that six out of ten infectious diseases in people come from animals. Among them are Lyme disease, Rabies, West Nile, and diseases caused by coronaviruses, including this coronavirus and  the SARS virus . In my walk yesterday south of town on the ocean I ended up finding two more good size sand dollars, each about 3 inches across, but ended up giving them both away before I came home.   The first one was when...

Week 6

CoronaVirus Miles Walked Week Totals (Week 6) Date Daily Walk Cumulative 04/26/2020 9.1 294 04/25/2020 7.1 284.9 04/24/2020 7.5 277.8 04/23/2020 6.4 270.3 04/22/2020 7.1 263.9 04/21/2020 6.5 256.8 04/20/2020 7.2 250.3 Day 36. Monday April 20 2020. Gaspard de la Nuit I have this song on my phone, and I cannot recall why.    I went through a period last year with my radio show of madly downloading songs that were relevant  or pertinent to the theme of my show, which was/is music played in the backgrounds of scenes during movies, tv shows and video games. Gaspard de la Nuit is a set musical pieces written by Maurice Ravel back in 1908 that actually stems from a book of prose poems written by Aloysius Bertrand way back in the 1830s.   I guess it is famous in France, but  - oddly - nowhere else.   It is the only book written by Bertrand, who spent most of his life in poverty.    The book was published only after ...

Week 5

CoronaVirus Miles Walked Week Totals (Week 5) Date Daily Walk Cumulative 04/19/2020 6.7 243.1 04/18/2020 6.2 236.4 04/17/2020 6.1 230.2 04/16/2020 6.2 224.1 04/15/2020 6.3 217.9 04/14/2020 7.2 211.6 04/13/2020 7.4 204.4 Day 29. Monday April 13 2020. One of my external hard drives seems to have crashed the other day so as a result I have decided to redo all my old "Last Reel" radio shows, renumber them, write down what each one was.   There are 44 of them, and I am not sure I will do another at this point.   I might do a coronavirus one. Coming Wave or Just Clouds? They all still play  on a radio streaming Syndicate out of NY called "Global Community Radio" or GCR.  GCR goes out to about 20 radio stations around the country.   Once I went through the original 44 shows,  I am going to a second run of the 44 at the moment.   The show is on once a week on Thu nights. ************ Case counts of the ...